The Shadow Effect - the movie

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The Shadow of Envy

by Dr. Jason Deitch, featured expert in The Shadow Effect

As we walked down the promenade we could practically smell the multi-million dollar paychecks Wall Street executives earn only steps from the other side of the iconic Brooklyn Bridge. My college roommate and I were reminiscing over the past 20 years since we were carefree college kids. We couldn’t help but reflect on the decisions we’ve made that led us down our respective career paths. Not that we were disappointed, it’s just as we stood there embracing the beauty of the most popular skyline in the world we were compelled to play our mutually frustrating game of ‘what if.’


What if I had made different decisions about my college major? What if I took that other job opportunity? What if I never moved out of NYC? What if I didn’t become a doctor but instead became a suit? We gazed across the busy waterfront of tourists and billionaire executive suites, Dan told me the story of a man he knew who created the modern man’s ultimate lifestyle. Living on a majestic estate in the country commuting to work by helicopter, landing on the roof of the office building owned by the company he had become chief executive of.


During a moment of silence we both visualized what it would feel like to have been lucky enough or hard working enough to live ‘the life.’ It was in that moment we experienced our shadow feeling the emotion of envy. Wishing we had the good fortune to fly a helicopter over the NY skyline. The moment passed and we went about the rest of our day until after noon. We sat down to watch the Yankees - Red Sox rivalry when the news reported that 9 people died earlier that day in a helicopter crash visible from our seats of envy.


Life never stops testing us and our ability to simply love and appreciate the life we’ve chosen. It is up to us to seize the opportunity to live OUR best life each and every day, never wishing we had someone else’s.

T H E   S H A D O W   E F F E C T
A Journey from your darkest thought to your greatest dream.

The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts leads to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year.


In this age of public humiliation and media meltdowns, the work of New York Times best selling author, Debbie Ford, continues to make headway as she exposes the opposing forces of both light and dark that compete for attention within every human being. In her film debut, The Shadow Effect, Ford presents the hidden power of “the Shadow” alongside some of today’s most provocative thinkers including Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Mark Victor Hansen, James Van Praagh and others.


In this life-altering journey, individuals who have transcended child abuse, racism, the Holocaust, war, and wounded upbringings, share their remarkable stories. Meet those who have learned to face their terror, heal their wounds, and embrace their higher, heroic selves to overcome the shadow effect.

T H E   S H A D O W   E F F E C T   I N T E R A C T I V E

To leave the viewer inspired and compelled to take an evolutionary leap, Ford has integrated some of her most successful and proven processes into a cutting-edge Special Interactive Edition of The Shadow Effect. Throughout the movie, Ford guides the viewer through eight exercises designed to reveal the shadow effect in their own lives and presents them with opportunities to transcend personal limitations.


see movie trailer :






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