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Begin now to practice the art of imagining every day. A concert pianist must constantly practice. for if he does not and he is called upon to give a concert he would not be ready. You must practice the art of imagining day after day so that when you are faced with a problem you will not put it aside, but will do something about it and move from soft Beulah's night into
fourfold vision.

Blake confessed that his greatest ecstasy was in fourfold vision because it is the fulfillment of scripture, of which he was a great student.

In the 13th chapter of the Book of Proverbs, we are told: "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life." If you want something, it is not going to come into being by saying: "I will have it some day." That is deferring your hope and making your heart sick. But if you believe that imagining creates reality, you will build a stage, paint the scenery, and place lovely images there. Then you will let them interweave so that when you bring that scenery back into your mind, the actors will come alive and say the words you had dictated for them to say.

The scene's power is in its implication. In my friend's case the young man was being congratulated because something very important had happened in his life and it had been so easily accomplished.

A few years ago a friend had a few skin cancers on his face. The doctor would give him no more radiation, so every day as my friend shaved he saw his face clear of all blemishes. Today he cannot remember when they disappeared, but they are now gone, with no trace of ever having been present. So Imagination can not only bring things into being, it can take
things away! It can uncreate whatever it creates.

In this wonderful world we have created nightmares which we cannot endure forever, so they will have to be uncreated. That is why I urge everyone to live nobly. Sow your mind with ideas worthy of recall, because the day is coming when that which is built on any foundation other than Christ will be consumed or uncreated. You will survive, but only as through fire.

We bring all kinds of unpleasant things into our world and live with them until we discover we can uncreate them. Just as my friend uncreated the blemishes he had placed there and he cannot tell you the moment they disappeared. You have the power to create and uncreate. Having brought something unlovely into your world, you can uncreate it if you are willing
to create something in its place, and persist until your desire becomes fourfold.


Lecture #25 - Neville 01/26/1968

Publié dans NEVILLE

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